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Forschung - Entwicklung - Weiterbildung

Unsere übergeordnete Zielsetzung ist kundenorientiertes Arbeiten. Die strategische Ausrichtung unserer Forschungsschwerpunkte und Dienstleistungen ist daher in erster Linie am Bedarf unserer Kunden orientiert

Forschung - Entwicklung - Weiterbildung

Unsere übergeordnete Zielsetzung ist kundenorientiertes Arbeiten. Die strategische Ausrichtung unserer Forschungsschwerpunkte und Dienstleistungen ist daher in erster Linie am Bedarf unserer Kunden orientiert


Injection molding

Since the foundation of SKZ, companies have been supported in the optimization and quality assurance of injection molding processes. Our knowledge, built up over several decades, is continuously expanded and is passed on to companies within the framework of research and industry projects, as well as advanced and further training.

State-of-the-art injection molding machines between 800 & 5,000 kN and peripheral equipment are available in our certified technical center to handle your inquiries. Our strength is to process your individual questions competently and at short notice.

Georg Schwalme
Business Unit Manager | Injection Molding | Additive Manufacturing


Analysis of the fiber length distribution (FiVer)

When fibers pass through a manufacturing process, they are inevitably damaged and reduced in length. The FiVer software developed by SKZ is used to determine the fiber length distribution in the component. We would be happy to perform measurements on your behalf. Alternatively, you can purchase the FiVer software yourself and carry out the tests in your laboratory or within your own quality assurance department.

Further information about FiVer

Sampling of injection molds and materials

We sample tools on behalf of our customers, either customer-specific or according to SKZ procedures.

We also offer the possibility of sampling thermoplastics and comparing their processability and properties. This also includes polymers that are still under development. Sampling can be carried out for hard and soft components, high-temperature plastics, PVC, ....

Christian Deubel | +49 931 4104-242 |
Christoph Mussauer | +49 931 4104-190 |

Hard/soft composites and composite adhesion

The resulting bond adhesion of thermoplastics with TPE is often not predictable. However, for component designs, material optimizations/substitutions, benchmarks, material developments, etc., the level of composite adhesion is an important criterion. We therefore offer the production of 2K test specimens and testing of the composite, taking into account the influence of the processing parameters (DOE) and/or storage conditions (warm storage, media storage, climate change tests ...). In addition to the production and testing according to VDI2019, further possibilities are available, e.g. also with other substrates. Therefore, please contact us directly.

Christian Deubel | +49 931 4104-242 |
Christoph Mussauer | +49 931 4104-190 |

Production of test specimens

The production of standard and special test specimens is part of our numerous customer and R&D activities.

An excerpt of the available test specimens can be downloaded here.

Furthermore we offer the possibility to produce not yet available geometries or cavities customer specific.

Christian Deubel | +49 931 4104-242 |
Christoph Mussauer | +49 931 4104-190 |

Inline test method

Our research and development activities always focus on the industrial relevance and usability of the results. Within the framework of various cooperations, inline systems have been developed which can be integrated into existing processes in a simple and cost-effective manner. We help you to optimize your production with the help of these methods, to detect defects/problems and to sort out possible defective parts automatically. Depending on the problem, we therefore use the following measurement methods in our research projects, customer trials or tool sampling:

  • Inline thermography
  • Inline weight measurement
  • Inline color measurement
  • Inline streak or homogeneity measurement

For questions or tests in your production we are at your disposal.

Georg Schwalme | +49 931 4104-372 |

Training and Networking

As experts in the field of plastics technology, we strive to pass on the knowledge we have acquired over decades to our customers. From material development and manufacturing processes to the application of various testing and measuring methods - in our numerous practice-oriented training courses, you as a participant will acquire the necessary knowledge in dealing with plastics as a material. This begins with the selection of the right materials and compliance with production-oriented design rules, continues with the correct handling of equipment and machines for the manufacture and processing of plastic components and ends with the correct understanding of quality criteria and the associated use of testing and measuring tools.
Bringing together people from different areas of the company and from different sectors to exchange experiences and technical know-how is also a top priority for us, in addition to the pure transfer of knowledge. Our numerous specialist events provide the ideal venue for a free exchange of ideas. Renowned speakers from a wide range of industries and excellent technical presentations make the SKZ conferences popular meeting places within the plastics industry.

To the section education

Statistical experimental methodology DOE (MESOS)

DOE is a valuable tool for optimizing new and existing processes, especially for demanding components. With the help of the MESOS software developed by SKZ, test series can be planned in a simple way and correlations between component quality and processing parameters can be found, as well as more robust processes can be established. We use DOE as part of our R&D projects, customer trials and on-site consultations.

More information about MESOS

Process analysis and consulting

Our team consists of experienced engineers, technicians and foremen. During an on-site consultation, we can support you in process analysis and process optimization as well as record almost all process-relevant and quality-determining measured variables in consultation.

Christian Deubel | +49 931 4104-242 |
Christoph Mussauer | +49 931 4104-190 |

Process data analysis

Modern injection molding machines supply large quantities of process data. This data can be analyzed, interpreted and used to derive decisions that improve processes. Process models can even be used to implement dynamic data-based process control.
We help you generate added value from your data!

Christoph Kugler | +49 931 4104-457 |

To the section digitalization

Simulation of injection molded components

With the support of injection molding simulation, errors in the development phase of your component can be detected at an early stage and production delays as well as costly adjustments of injection molds can be avoided. Our range of injection molding simulation services, which we have been performing in-house for more than 25 years, includes rheological and thermal design, prediction of shrinkage and warpage, and consideration of special processes. In the best case scenario, simulation of molded part filling, cooling, shrinkage and warpage accompanies product and mold development from the very beginning. However, existing molds can also be simulated and mold modifications can be safeguarded. 

We are happy to make the results available to our customers, for example for integrative simulations (e.g. fiber orientations ...), the production of cavities with warpage held in reserve or the printing of illustrative samples with calculated warpage.

Thomas Zentgraf | +49 931 4104-232 |
Markus Schömig | +49 931 4104-251 |

To the area simulation

Special injection molding process for customer trials

In our injection molding pilot plants, more than 10 injection molding machines are available for joint development projects or industrial trials. Special injection molding processes such as physical foaming, processing of thermosets or direct injection molding are also part of the machinery. 

We are constantly striving to expand our capabilities or to adapt them to industrial needs. Therefore, we would be pleased to give you an overview of our equipment in a personal meeting.

Christian Deubel | +49 931 4104-242 |
Christoph Mussauer | +49 931 4104-190 |

Non-destructive testing - Process monitoring

Would you like to obtain information about your injection molded components that is not visible to the naked eye? SKZ offers the integration and, if necessary, individual adaptation of non-destructive testing methods for monitoring injection molding processes and assessing the final component quality. In this way, you can, for example, detect defects such as blowholes, geometry changes due to warpage or typical surface defects such as streaks at an early stage. 

For this purpose, SKZ offers a cost-neutral assessment of your testing task and enables comparative tests on your components to identify the most suitable process, taking into account technical and economic aspects.

Luis Wachter | +49 931 4104-345 |

To the section measurement technology

Welding - Bonding - Surface technology

Are you looking for thermal or adhesive joining techniques to join your materials with a high quality? You want to pre-treat or analyze the surface of your plastic components? SKZ supports you in the selection of mechanical or physical surface pretreatment as well as joining techniques according to technical and economic criteria, also at your site.

Dr. Eduard Kraus | +49 931 4104-480 |

To the areas of welding | bonding | surface technology

Technical equipment

Thermoplastic foam molding

Thermoplastic foam injection molding is becoming increasingly important in industry. In particular, markets such as packaging, furniture and automotive will be market drivers here in the coming years. To generate an optimum foam structure and to make the best possible use of the many advantages of the process, a profound understanding is required with regard to material selection, mold design and processing parameters. At SKZ, we have been working on thermoplastic foam injection molding (chemical & physical foaming) for several years and can provide you with competent advice and support for your questions.

Wittmann-Battenfeld Smart Power 240

  • fully hydraulic
  • 2.400 kN clamping force
  • suitable for physical & chemical foaming
  • exchange unit for standard injection molding
  • screw diameter 45 & 50 mm
  • handling unit
  • comprehensive equipment with interfaces
  • Wittmann 4.0 with integrated peripherals

Anika Fuhrmann | +49 931 4104-244 |

Multi-component injection molding

The production of multi-component injection molded parts has been a core area of SKZ's R&D activities for many years. In addition to overmolding thermoplastic substrates, other materials can alternatively be inserted and overmolded: Metals, glasses, ceramics, organic sheets, foils, etc. Here, in particular, the composite adhesion of the material pairings provides information on the general material compatibility and necessary process modifications. The adhesion can be evaluated according to customer-specific specifications or also according to VDI2019.

ARBURG Allrounder 570

  • fully electric
  • 2,000 kN clamping force
  • Handling unit
  • two main units: screw diameter 35 & 50
  • vertical 2nd unit: screw diameter 25 mm
  • suitable for high temperature plastics
  • comprehensive equipment with interfaces

Christian Deubel | +49 931 4104-242 |
Christoph Mussauer | +49 931 4104-190 |

Variothermal temperature control

Considerable quality improvements can be achieved through variothermal temperature control - high-gloss surfaces, suppression of flow lines, improvement of weld line strength and adhesion in multi-component injection molding. For sampling, customer trials or R&D projects, various systems for variothermal temperature control from -15°C to +180°C are available in our technical center, which can be flexibly controlled.

Christian Deubel | +49 931 4104-242 |
Christoph Mussauer | +49 931 4104-190 |

Coloring of plastics

The coloring and color measurement of plastics has been a focus of SKZ's R&D and testing activities for many years. In our technical center, a wide variety of concepts for coloring by means of masterbatch or liquid colors are available. The equipment is supplemented by numerous test specimen tools, mixing and special screws, static mixers and inline as well as offline color measuring devices.

Thomas Zentgraf | +49 931 4104-232 |

Standard machines

In our pilot plants, ten modern injection molding machines and peripheral equipment from all renowned manufacturers are available for our R&D projects and customer trials:

  • Clamping force: 50-500 kN
  • Screw diameter: 20-60 mm 
  • Handling equipment on almost all machines
  • Processing of PVC & high temperature thermoplastics, injection compression molding, chemical foaming ...
  • Coloring with liquid color or masterbatch

Christian Deubel | +49 931 4104-242 |
Christoph Mussauer | +49 931 4104-190 |

Thermoset injection molding

Against the background of technical challenges such as energy efficiency, electromobility or renewable energies, thermoset applications are increasingly coming into focus. In order to be a competent partner for the industry, SKZ is further expanding this research area.

Engel e-motion 740

  • fully electric
  • 1,600 kN clamping force
  • Changeover units for thermoset and BMC as well as thermoplastics
  • screw diameter 50 mm
  • handling unit
  • comprehensive equipment with interfaces
  • iQ-Clamp control
  • iQ-weight control
  • e-Flomo control
  • iQ-flow control
  • I4.0 interfaces

Markus Schömig | +49 931 4104-251 |

Direct injection molding ARBURG FDC

Fiber-reinforced polymers have very high thermal and mechanical properties. In addition to the type and proportion of fibers, the fiber length(s) present in the component and their orientation are decisive for the subsequent service properties. The process developed jointly with ARBURG for the direct incorporation of fibers is based on a standard injection molding machine with a special unit. With this set-up, it is possible to add fibers directly to an already melted polymer and to adjust the fiber content easily during operation.

We support you in the processing of long fiber pellets and direct injection molding (FDC) at your site or in the SKZ pilot plant.  Appropriate analytical methods are available for all questions:

  • Determination of fiber content 
  • Analysis of fiber length distributions
  • Micrographs
  • CT examinations for visualization and quantification of fiber orientation, 
  • determination of weld line strength
  • ...

ARBURG Allrounder 920S

  • hybrid
  • 5,000 kN clamping force
  • Direct injection moulding FDC
  • Exchange unit for standard injection moulding
  • Screw diameter 60 mm
  • position controlled screw
  • PVC & mixing screws
  • Handling unit
  • comprehensive equipment with interfaces

Christian Deubel | +49 931 4104-242 |


Together with partners from industry and research, we are establishing a competence center for digitization at SKZ for the application area of injection molding. In addition to machine data, which is continuously generated during production, necessary data from peripheral devices and component quality will also be automatically recorded, processed and evaluated using inline measuring systems. The SKZ wants to offer companies a platform to make their company Industrie 4.0 -ready.

KraussMaffei KM160 750 PX

  • fully electric
  • 1,600 kN clamping force
  • two injection molding units 
  • Screw diameter 35 & 50 mm
  • handling unit
  • comprehensive equipment with interfaces
  • APC
  • Data-Explorer
  • I4.0 interfaces
  • via OPC-UA integrated temperature control units & drying/dosing ...

Christian Deubel | +49 931 4104-242 |
Jakob Schüder | +49 931 4104-304 |

Analytics in the field of injection molding

Fiber reinforced thermoplastics

For the analysis of fiber-reinforced components, we use various methods that allow conclusions to be drawn about the mechanical properties and can be used as input parameters for simulations:

  • Determination of the (local) fiber content
  • Determination of the (local) fiber length distribution
  • Evaluation of the fiber dispersion
  • Visualization and quantification of fiber orientation using computed tomography

The methods are available for glass fibers and carbon fibers as well as partially for natural fibers.

Christian Deubel | +49 931 4104-242 |
Sven Ehrke | +49 931 4104-242 |

Color measurement

Various measuring devices are available at SKZ for color measurement on the finished component:

  • Laboratory instruments with d/8° spherical geometry (reflection / transmission; with/without gloss trap)
  • Measuring devices with 45/0° geometry
  • Inline colorimeter (45/0°) with integrated temperature sensor
  • Glossmeter (20° / 60° / 85°)

Thomas Zentgraf | +49 931 4104-232 |

Flowability of polymers

Different options are available for characterizing the flowability.

  • Flow spiral
  • Simulation
  • Inline flowability: viscous nozzle
  • MVR, HKR

We can retrofit flow spirals or flow path plates with customer-specific geometries easily and cost-effectively using our universal mold setups.

Christian Deubel | +49 931 4104-242 |
Christoph Mussauer | +49 931 4104-190 |

Inline quality assurance

Inline-capable measuring systems enable 100% inspection of the manufactured components.


Thermography makes it possible to analyze, optimize and monitor manufacturing processes in a simple and economical way.

Application examples:

  • Detection of over and under spraying
  • Reject diverters with good/bad part detection 
  • Control of process constancy and mold temperature control
  • Optimization of cycle time

With a suitable system, thermography can also be retrofitted easily and cost-effectively into existing production lines. A ready-made solution for integrating thermography into the production process, consisting of hardware and software, is available at the SKZ technical center for on-site customer trials. The measuring system can be flexibly adapted to different injection molding machines and consists of the following components:

  • Thermal camera (Micro-Epsilon) in resolutions up to 640x480 pixels, normal, wide angle or macro lenses.
  • Software (SKZ TDI) for inline acquisition of thermographic images and their immediate visualization with user-specific evaluation options (target value specification, tolerances, ...)  
  • I/O module for communication with the injection molding machine or handling device for triggered recordings, good/bad diverters, mold temperature control ...

The measuring system developed at SKZ and used in a variety of industrial applications is available for customer trials and on-site consulting. For a permanent installation in your production, the system can be purchased.

Weight measurement 

For many components, the component weight reflects the process consistency and thus the component quality. Together with a partner, a system for inline weight measurement was developed at SKZ, which can be integrated directly between the gripper and the handling system. In the injection molding of complex components and/or difficult materials, the process consistency can be assessed by documenting the component or shot weight, and problems in the injection molding process can be detected immediately (over/under injection, missing inserts, process temperatures change/are incorrect ...).

Possible applications:

  • general process constancy/tolerances depending on the mold and/or processed thermoplastics
  • influence of processing parameters on part/shot weight
  • evaluation/optimization/monitoring of chemically/physically foamed components 
  • ...

Color measurement 

An innovative inline color measurement system developed by ColorLite GmbH in cooperation with SKZ enables non-contact measurement of the demolding temperature. Using previously determined cooling curves stored in the software, these color values are converted to a reference temperature (24°C). With the inline color measurement, changes in the Lab values can be detected directly after demolding of the components, so that measures can be taken immediately. 

Possible application scenarios are:

  • Evaluation of the consistency of the coloring over a longer period of time
  • Duration of color change processes
  • Comparisons between different coloring methods and/or colorants
  • Influence of process parameters and/or mixing elements
  • ...

Depending on your question, use in customer trials or sampling is possible.

Streak detection

Inhomogeneities on the component surface usually indicate insufficient homogenization of the supplied ink, excessive processing moisture of the material, segregation of fillers/additives, malfunctions of peripheral equipment or problems during plasticizing. The reliable detection of these structures so that measures can be taken is part of our current R&D activities.

Possible applications are:

  • Assessment of homogeneity in coloring over a longer period of time
  • Duration of color change processes (streaks)
  • Comparison of homogenization between different coloring methods and/or colorants
  • Influence of process parameters and/or mixing elements on homogenization
  • Quantification of the surface quality of foamed, fiber-reinforced or highly filled components
  • ...

The newly developed measuring system is available for customer trials and sampling in the SKZ pilot plant.

Christian Deubel | +49 931 4104-242 |
Christoph Mussauer | +49 931 4104-190 |

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